Latest Episodes
Second Chance
In Jonah 3, we find that God did not give up on Jonah or on the people of Nineveh, which encourages us to believe...
One Way Out
In Jonah 2, we take a break from the narrative to read a poem of thanksgiving that Jonah prayed when he was detained for...
I Won’t Go!
In Jonah 1, we meet the Israelite prophet who preferred to flee rather than obey the Lord’s call to do something new, surprising, and...
Priorities for Parents
“Priorities for Parents” – Ephesians 6:4 and Deuteronomy 6. All families develop customs that reflect their priorities. Today we look at three biblical priorities...
Only Christ
“Only Christ” from I Timothy 2:1-7. Last week we saw that we access God’s rescuing grace by faith alone, but faith in whom or...
Only God’s Glory
“Only God’s Glory” from Ephesians 2:1-14. In the conclusion to our Reformation Anniversary series, we ask a practical question: What is the purpose of...