Although the books of Kings and Chronicles cover much of the same history, they have different and complimentary perspectives, focusing mostly on the time of the united Kingdom of Israel under Solomon and then the divided kingdoms of Israel and Judah. Kings answers the question: What went wrong? Chronicles answers the question: Is there any hope for us? It turns out that there was more hope than the people could have conceived, but it wasn’t realized until the coming of Christ in whom the apparently failed promises of the Old Testament find their fulfillment.
After the Lord rejected Saul as king, he chose a man with a heart oriented toward the Lord.
By being with his people in Haggai 1:12-15, God stirred them up to return to him and receive the blessings he had promised in...
In a painful conversation with Peter recorded in John 21:1-19, Jesus asked him three times if he loved him. Peter answered by declaring his...