Having described the experience of Jewish Christians as coming into their full inheritance, Paul described the conversion of Gentiles (non-Jews) in Galatians 4:8-20. Simply speaking, they (we) had not known God but then came to know him. However, the Galatians later turned back to a form of religion that was similar to what they had when they were enslaved to idols. Therefore, they serve as a constant reminder to all of us not to revert to a religion of law-keeping but to continue to trust in Christ alone.
In Acts 20:17-38, Paul passed the torch of ministry to the elders of the church in Ephesus. In his speech to them, Paul described...
Paul reported to the Philippians that his being in prison in Rome had actually produced the positive benefit of encouraging more preaching of the...
Reflections on the seven sayings that Jesus spoke from the Cross.