Latest Episodes

Psalm 42-43 - Hope in God
These two psalms teach us to ask our soul why it is downcast and to answer it with the only hope in life and...

Psalm 137 – On the Rock
The imprecatory (cursing) psalms point to the triumph of God’s justice through judgment or salvation.

Romans 16:1-27 – Church Victorious
Within the final greetings in his letter to the Romans, Paul included a declaration about the final victory of the church.

Mark 5:1-20 – Power Over Darkness
Jesus has authority and power over all things and is bringing the powers of darkness down.

Romans 15:14-33 – Missionary Letter
One of Paul’s purposes in visiting Rome was to receive help to get the gospel all the way to Spain.

Romans 15:1-13 – With One Heart and Mind
Our little work of accepting each other in the church is part of the big work God is doing in the world.