In Jonah 2, we take a break from the narrative to read a poem of thanksgiving that Jonah prayed when he was detained for three days and three nights. It turns out that the fish that swallowed Jonah was God’s appointed means not for Jonah’s destruction but for his rescue. By surviving his brush with death, Jonah learned an important lesson that we all must learn.
During a meal with his disciples in John 13:1-17, Jesus did something that shattered social norms. He dressed like a slave and performed a...
From Ephesians 6:1-3, Proverbs 1:1-9, and Genesis 2:24, we put together an overall structure for parenting: the first stage of teaching first-time obedience, the...
In Jonah 1, we meet the Israelite prophet who preferred to flee rather than obey the Lord’s call to do something new, surprising, and...