John 6:1-40 - The Bread of Life

December 15, 2019 00:34:30
John 6:1-40 - The Bread of Life
Florida Coast Church
John 6:1-40 - The Bread of Life

Dec 15 2019 | 00:34:30


Show Notes

Just like us, the people of Jesus' day spent much of their time laboring for things that perish. Just like us, they often found themselves not satisfied. In John 6:1-40, we read about two of Jesus' most well-known miracles, feeding the 5000 and walking on water. Because the people missed the meaning of the miracles, Jesus followed them up with instruction about bread that truly satisfies and gives life. As it turns out, there is only one thing that we can do to have this bread of life. (full sermon notes)

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