If someone hears a message but does not act upon it, sometimes we say that “it went in one ear and out the other.” In James 1:19-27, God calls us not only to hear his word but to incorporate it into our lives. Only by doing the word can Christians demonstrate that we truly heard it and really believe it. (We thank Dr. Tim Sansbury of Knox Theological Seminary for this excellent sermon.)
In Jonah 2, we take a break from the narrative to read a poem of thanksgiving that Jonah prayed when he was detained for...
“Priorities for Parents” – Ephesians 6:4 and Deuteronomy 6. All families develop customs that reflect their priorities. Today we look at three biblical priorities...
Because some preachers were saying that God’s grace permits Christians to practice immorality, Jude urged us to avoid their error by keeping ourselves in...