Psalm 133. This short song describes the goodness and pleasantness of brothers and sisters living together. Although modern life places obstacles in the path of spending time together, the development of Christian community is essential to our growth as Christians and our mission of making disciples by praising, learning, and loving. The Jews probably sang this song as they went up to Jerusalem for the annual feasts, but the images of the psalm emphasize that the blessings of unity and eternal life flow down from God.
As we ended the first chapter of Ruth, there was a ray of hope for the two widows. Maybe they would not starve to...
In Galatians 4:21-31, Paul gave an interpretation of the story from the Old Testament about Abraham and the two sons he had, one to...
In Colossians 1:15-23, Paul and Timothy exalted the Son as the agent of creation and the agent of the reconciliation of all things, including...