In our new series, “Building Blocks for Life,” we began at the beginning, with Genesis, the book of beginnings. This first book of the Bible records the beginnings of the universe, humanity, marriage, the family, the 7-day week, work, rest, sin, and redemption. It also introduces the patriarchs whose lives shaped ancient biblical history. In its story form, Genesis answers the big questions of life: “Who is God? Who am I? What is my purpose? What’s wrong with the world? What’s wrong with me? Why do we all have to die? Is there any hope for me?
In 3 John, there is a sharp contrast between one church member who loved Christ and his missionaries and another who loved to be...
After Abraham’s family became a great nation, it also became a kingdom, and no one ever equalled the greatness of King David. Even so,...
From several texts in the New Testament, this message answers four questions: What is the meaning of baptism? Who should be baptized? How should...