In Acts 17:24-34 we get to hear a sermon that Paul preached to philosophers in Athens. He presented to them biblical truths about God, humans, Jesus, and our response. The game-changing declaration that got Paul laughed off stage was the resurrection of Jesus. The news about the resurrection left others curious enough to want to hear more, some of whom ended up believing the gospel message. That gospel is the same today, as relevant to us as it was to those philosophers, and life-changing good news to any who will believe it.
The final parable in our summer series appears in Luke 18:1-8. Like last week’s parable, the Parable of the Unjust Judge focuses on the...
Ever since there began to be two groups preaching and baptizing, there were those who wanted to set up a competition between them. In...
The feast was over. The water and light show has dazzled the crowds. Jesus had offered living water to quench our thirst and added...