In our summer series, we will be looking at critical events in the book of Acts, starting with Jesus’ commission of his “sent ones” in Acts 1:1-11. The goal is for our church to become more like the original Christian church. We first need to reorient ourselves to the task that Jesus gave us for the time between his departure and his return: to be witnesses to the end of the earth.
From Ephesians 6:1-3, Proverbs 1:1-9, and Genesis 2:24, we put together an overall structure for parenting: the first stage of teaching first-time obedience, the...
After noting how little the people had accomplished, in Haggai 2:1-9 God told them to be strong because of his presence with them.
Christian thinking is thinking like Jesus, especially as seen in his becoming one of us to die on the cross.