Human beings love using metaphors, comparisons between two things that are unlike to bring out some special way in which they are alike. In I Peter 2:4-12, the author piled on a series of metaphors and quotations from the Old Testament to explain, first, who Christ is and, second, who Christians are. The first metaphor he used was that Christ is a living stone, the cornerstone in fact. Christians in turn are built upon him as living stones and are also a chosen race, a holy and royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, and God’s people. All of these privileges are the result of God’s mercy not of Christian’s merit.
Jesus concluded his final discourse with his disciples before his death in John 16:12-33. He developed previous lessons and added that they would have...
In preparation for coming calamity, the prophet made plans to rejoice in the Lord.
Although we may not long to be holy as much as we long to be hopeful (see last week’s sermon), the way Peter describes...