Latest Episodes

Luke 12:1-12 - Fear and Fear Not
As opposition grew toward Jesus, he anticipated that it would reach his followers as well and prepare them for how to live.

Luke 11:29-54 - Light and Darkness
Jesus’ scathing denunciation of the religious leaders exposed their hypocrisy and challenges us to let his light shine on ours.

Luke 11:14-28 - The Kingdom Has Come
Jesus' power over the forces of evil demonstrated that the kingdom of God had come.

Luke 11:1-13 - When You Pray
Jesus told his followers what to pray and why to pray, so let's pray and keep on praying!

Luke 10:25-42 - Who is my neighbor?
While the Parable of the Good Samaritan is well known, it is easy to miss its shock value, its subtle surprises, and its connection...

Luke 10:1-24 - Pray to the Lord of the Harvest
As he traveled toward Jerusalem, Jesus sent out 36 missionary teams and made provision for many more, because then, as now, the harvest was...